Information about the operation of a closed-circuit, operational camera network on the concession section of M5 Motorway.
We draw your kind attention that AKA Alföld Koncessziós Autópálya Zrt. (AKA Alföld Concession Motorway Ltd.) operates a closed-circuit, operational (traffic safety) camera network in the junctions and rest areas of the concession section of M5 Motorway (between chainages 17+400 km and 173+895 km).
The camera footage due to its low resolution (the cameras record the images at a distance of 80 meters from the focal point in a resolution of 1.3 megapixel VGA) is not suitable for directly identifying the concerned persons. Although the colour and the make (possibly also the type) of the vehicle may be determined based on the recording, no such personal data are shown on the images (such as licence plate, portrait) which would ensure the ability of directly identifying the concerned person.
Accordingly, Data controllers do not process either special or criminal personal data, do not obtain such data and do not initiate access to such data. Furthermore, Data controllers do not have access to such databases that would facilitate the identification of the persons and vehicles shown on the recording. The processing of the footage qualifies as data processing not requiring identification under Article 11 of the GDPR.
The video recordings are stored for 72 hours.