Providing assistance – in case of accident informing the responsible authorities, provision of location
Maintenance of the motorway, small repairs and maintenance works
Continuous cultivating of the vegetation along the motorway
Possible obstruction removal within the shortest possible time
The maintenance of the signing posts
The maintenance of the motorway establishment along the motorway
Providing road patrol services
Keeping clean the Motorway
Winter operation – de-icing, snow clearance
Daily routine duties
Three Operation and Maintenance Centers – nearby Újhartyán, Kiskunfélegyháza and Balástya – help the continuous functioning of the M5 Motorway due to a 24h service.
In order to provide the technical support, Újhartyán and Balástya Operation and Maintenance Centers have 24-hour dispatcher services. Professionals supply here the motorway with continuous road patrol services; in case of emergency or accident they keep contact with the authorities. In addition, along the full length of the M5 SOS phone boxes are available for the travellers at every second km, therefore the dispatchers can be reached immediately in case of emergency.
Besides safety, our company lays great emphasis on the protection of nature hence AKA Ltd. builds nose screening walls, forests belts and game fences that protect the wildlife.
Additionally, there are police stations that help directing the traffic and provide aid in special situations.
AKA Ltd. maintains comfortable complex rest areas for travellers along the M5 Motorway.